Rabu, 25 April 2012

When You Can't Sleep at Night

 chocolate squares with peanuts
 red velvet with melted cream cheese frosting
kue mangkok mom's

These what happen when I can't sleep at night. I bake!! Midnight cakes....tapi alhamdulillah hasilnya cukup memuaskan... dan ternyata mama jadi ketularan pengen masak juga dan jadilah kue mangkuk putih ini, dan rasanya hmmm....so yummy...mom's the best...she's my mentor, teacher, tutor, and most of all she's my mother ;) luv u mom...
abis ini buat apa lagi ya.....?

Rabu, 18 April 2012

Cupcake in the house...

Have a little treat....have lots of love with vanilla cream and chocolate melted cupcake..yummm..

Price list
Cupcakes with butter cream icing (vanilla, Chocolate, lime, strawberry, blueberry flavored)
67.000 (1/2 dz)
130.000 (1 dz)
Chocolate cupcakes with ganache icing
75.000 (1/2 dz)
145.000 (1 dz)
Red velvet cupcakes
85.000 (1/2 dz)
165.000 (1 dz)
Cupcakes Decoration with Fondant Icing
70.000 (1/2 dz)
135.000 (1 dz)

Happy Birthday OA!!

Chocolate Almond Cake

Happy birthday OA.....my handsome uncle ;) He likes chocolate, he likes almond and he likes cake voila Chocolate Almond Cake it is... and once again LUDES ketika disajikan hehehehe.... I love it when everybody enjoy my cake and finish it without a single chocolate left ;D Rasanya pengen buat dan buat terus...tapi siapa yang makan ya???

Selasa, 17 April 2012

Happy Anniversary Mamimi...!!

Strawberry Chocolate cake with whip cream

Never too late to post it ;p sebenernya sih ini kue untuk anniversary for my dearest aunty tgl 8 April yang lalu..tapi baru smpet nge-post nya hari ini. It's just a simple cake with which chocolate ganache filling covered with whip cream and cocoa powder and last but not least a final touch of strawberry. 
sampai di pestanya, kue ini ga kebagian masuk kulkas...but it turned out..coklatnya semakin melted terasa di mulut. Not to brag, tapi kuenya langsung ludes setelah dipotong (mungkin karena  yg dipotong pertama kali hehehehe...) setelah itu disajikanlah kue bermerk mahal lainnya...(dan ternyata ga langsung habis ;).