Senin, 26 Agustus 2013

Chocolate Candies for Bakery

Most Recent Orders - Anniversary & Birthday Cakes

 White Chocolate Anniversary Cake
 Cars Birthday Cake
 Chocolate Strawberry Birthday Cake
 Chocolate Almond Birthday Cake
 Very CHocolate Cake
 Iron Man Birthday Cake
 Thomas Birthday Cake
 Basketball Birthday Cake
Barney Birthday Cake

Sabtu, 18 Mei 2013

The Latest Orders

 Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting
 Elmo chocolate cupcakes
 Black forest with Angry Bird decor
Green tea, Red Velvet, Chococolate Ganache Cupcakes

Rabu, 24 April 2013

Special Requested Birthday Cake

Rainbow Cake for Birthday

Buzlightyear Cake for Birthday

Lots of birthday people in April ;) Hmmm...agak challenging juga membuat birthday cake ini, tapi alhamdulillah berhasil juga dan sukses terkirim dan ludes dimakan hehehe...thank you for ordering dear customers....!!

Minggu, 17 Maret 2013

Strawberry Shortcake

Ada yang ngidam Strawberry Shortcake... sebenernya sudah dibuatin sih buat ultahnya, tapi pengen lagi. Alhasil, iseng malam2 ngeluarin loyang, mecahin telur, aduk2 gula, tepung dan whip cream plus motong2 strawberry...jadi deh Strawberry Shortcake simple as that ;p

Angry Bird Cake for Birthday Boy

Birthday cake for birthday boy - two years-old Raza. Safe and delivered, and had a positive feedback also :) So happy they like the cake...thank you again for posting it on Facebook mbak Honey!!

Midnight Baking - Love Butter Cookies

Love butter cookies - a little bit of butter, a little bit of sugar, flour for perfection and a little bit of vanilla for sweet taste, then dipped in chocolate milk. Sweetness and creamy makes perfect love. 

Selasa, 26 Februari 2013

Successful Delivery

Pastel Tutup

Sweet Blueberry Cake

Pesanan untuk mbak Rina yang baik hati tadi pagi telah selesai dan dikirimkan ke yang bersangkutan dengan selamat sentosa hehehe.. Special treat untuk ultah ibu mbak Rina terkasih :) Happy birthday ibunya mbak Rina hehehe...semoga sehat selalu dan bahagia...dan juga semoga suka dengan kue dan pastel tutupnya... ;)

Senin, 18 Februari 2013

New Cushions

Rp. 135.000

Rp. 50.000/pc (sold)

My two print cushions sold yippie... makes me happy to create more.... :)

Ombre Cake - Sold

Ombre cake for my dear mbak Honey hehehe...customer baru nih and quite satisfied, rumor has it...tenkyu ya mbak Honey Niena untuk posting-nya di Facebook :D

Kamis, 14 Februari 2013

Happy Valentine

Special deliver for special day. Pesanan dari para mahasiswa yang mau merayakan Valentine's day :) Telah dikirimkan dengan selamat tepat pada pukul 7 pagi. 

Price List

 Popular Cakes 

Size 18
Size 21
Red Velvet
Blue Velvet
Devil’s Food
Chocolate Ganache Icing
Fondant Icing*
Strawberry Cheese Pie

Strawberry Cheese Cake

Price list
Cupcakes with butter cream icing (vanilla, Chocolate, lime, strawberry, blueberry flavored)
67.000 (1/2 dz)
130.000 (1 dz)
Chocolate cupcakes with ganache icing
75.000 (1/2 dz)
145.000 (1 dz)
Red velvet cupcakes
85.000 (1/2 dz)
165.000 (1 dz)
Cupcakes Decoration with Fondant Icing
70.000 (1/2 dz)
135.000 (1 dz)

Chocolate Cookies
45.000/box (M)
60.000/box (L)

Fudge Brownies

Macaroni schotel :
Ukuran single Rp 12.500/pc (with minimum order)
Ukuran 18 x 18 cm Rp 125.000
Ukuran 20 x 30 cm Rp 250.000

·      Note: untuk harga kue by request disesuaikan lagi dan tidak termasuk ongkos kirim, atau kue bisa diambil di meeting point terdekat
* Untuk desain cake fondant by request harga disesuaikan dengan tingkat kesulitan pembuatan kue. Harga yang tertera di atas merupakan harga minimum. 

Sweet Temptation

Sabtu, 09 Februari 2013

Just Finished

Rp. 125.000
Rp. 50.000
Rp. 50.000 (sold)
Rp. 50.000

Selesai lagi deh sepasang cushion pillow dengan motif quilt dan 3 motif print. Hmmm next project buat sarung untuk kursi meja makan...

Notes: Harga di atas tidak termasuk bantal. Untuk bantal + Rp. 25.000/pc

Rabu, 06 Februari 2013

New Hobby - Handmade Pillow Cushion

Rp. 125.000/pc
Rp. 135.000/pc
Rp. 125.000/pc
Rp. 50.000
Rp. 1250.000/pc (sold)
Rp. 150.000

One of the advantages of being a housewife is that you can explore your creativity and have fun with your imagination. Do nothing make you fat ;p Do something make you rich...well not that for creativity though... ;D While not baking, need new hobby to do...and I love to decor my house, so here they are.... handmade by mom & me pillow cushion in quilt and patchwork motive or just simply cute polka dot motive for your selection.

Notes: Price excluded pillow. For pillow + Rp. 25.000/pc (40x40 cm) ; Rp. 35.000 (50x50 cm)

Selasa, 05 Februari 2013

New Cakes

Chocolate Strawberry Cake

Ukuran diameter 18 cm : Rp. 180.000
Ukuran diameter 21 - 22 cm : Rp. 250.000

Red Velvet Cake

Ukuran diameter 18 cm : Rp. 185.000
Ukuran diameter 21 - 22 cm : Rp. 250.000 

Rainbow Cake

Ukuran diameter 18 cm : Rp. 185.000
Ukuran diameter 21 - 22 cm : Rp. 250.000

Notes: Harga di atas tidak termasuk ongkos kirim.